Bind Fails to Start

If you are running Plesk on a Ubuntu server and Bind fails to start the likely cause is AppArmor not being configured for Plesk’s chrooted environment.
All you have to do is add the path to the usr.sbin.named file.

1. Locate the file…

2. Add the following path to the file…

including the comma.

3. Now restart AppArmor…

4. Now you can start Bind…

I hope that helps some people.

Note: We used the /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.named file to make sure our addition is permanent, and the package manager doesn’t over write it.

Add DHParam to Plesk Panel

You can fix Logjam for the Plesk Panel by simply adding the standard Nginx dhparam directive to the plesk.conf file.
Very similar to previous posts on adding OCSP and HSTS to Plesk.

First you will need to create your dhparam, you can follow my guide Creating DH Parameters, and then locate the file and edit with your favourite editor…

And add the Nginx ssl_dhparam directive above the certificate entries like so…

Save the file and restart the Plesk server…

And you are good to go.
I hope that helps someone.

Migrate Plesk to MariaDB

The guide at Plesk’s DevBlog results in dependency issues on Ubuntu 14.
Here’s what the command should be when migrating to MariaDB on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS with Plesk 12.0.18.

1. Log in as root and run…

2. And run the following updated command…

3. Check you have MariaDB installed with

I hope that helps someone else.


Some problems you may encounter, these are in the order you may receive them…


Following the above error you will get this…


And finally…
